Select Signals

pyclarify.client.Client.select_signals(filter={}, skip: int = 0, limit: Optional[int] = 20, sort: List[str] = [], total: Optional[bool] = False, include: Optional[List] = [], integration: str = None) pyclarify.views.generics.Response

Return signal metadata from selected signals and/or item.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A Filter Model that describes a mongodb filter to be applied.

  • skip (int, default 0) – Integer describing how many of the first N items to exclude from response.

  • limit (int, default 10) – Number of items to include in the match.

  • sort (list of strings) – List of strings describing the order in which to sort the items in the response.

  • total (bool, default False) – When true, force the inclusion of a total count in the response. A total count is the total number of resources that matches filter.

  • include (List of strings, optional) – A list of strings specifying which relationships to be included in the response.

  • integration (str Default None) – Integration ID in string format. None means using the integration in credential file.

Returns is an array of SignalSelectView

Return type



>>> client = Client("./clarify-credentials.json")

Querying signals based on a filter.

>>> client.select_signals(
...     filter = Filter(fields={"name": filter.NotEqual(value="Air Temperature")}),
... )

Getting 1000 signals.

>>> client.select_signals(
...     limit = 1000,
... )

Getting 100 signals and sorting by name.

>>> client.select_signals(
...     limit = 100,
...     sort = ["name"],
... )

Getting total number of signals (as meta data) and including the exposed items.

>>> client.select_signals(
...     total= True,
...     include = ["item"]
... )

In case of a valid return value, returns a pydantic model with the following format:

>>> jsonrpc='2.0'
... id='1'
... result=Selection(
...     meta=SelectionMeta(
...     total=725,
...     groupIncludedByType=True
...     ),
...     data=[
...         SignalSelectView(
...             id='c5fg083sab1b6pm3u290',
...             type='signals',
...             meta=ResourceMetadata(
...                 annotations={
...                     "docs-clarify-io/example/environment": "office"
...                 },
...                 attributesHash='9ae4eb17c8b3b9f24cea06f09a1a4cab34569077',
...                 relationshipsHash='02852897e7fe1e7896360b3c3914c5207d2af6fa',
...                 updatedAt=datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 17, 12, 17, 10, 199000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
...                 createdAt=datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 7, 14, 11, 44, 897000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
...             ),
...             attributes=SavedSignal(
...                 name='Total reams of paper',
...                 description='Total count of reams of paper in inventory',
...                 labels={
...                     'type': ['Recycled', 'Bond'],
...                     'location': ['Scranton']
...                 },
...                 sourceType=<SourceTypeSignal.measurement: 'measurement'>,
...                 valueType=<TypeSignal.numeric: 'numeric'>,
...                 engUnit='',
...                 enumValues={},
...                 sampleInterval=None,
...                 gapDetection=None,
...                 input='inventory_recycled_bond',
...                 integration=None,
...                 item=None
...             ),
...             relationships=RelationshipsDict(
...                 integration=RelationshipData(
...                     data=RelationshipMetadata(
...                         type='integrations',
...                         id='c5e3u8coh8drsbpi4cvg'
...                     )
...                 ),
...                 item=RelationshipData(data=None)
...             )
...         ),
...         ...
...     ],
...     included=IncludedField(
...         integration=None,
...         items=[
...             ItemSelectView(
...                 id='c5i41fjsbu8cohpkcpvg',
...                 type='items',
...                 meta=ResourceMetadata(
...                     annotations={
...                         "docs-clarify-io/example/environment": "office"
...                     },
...                     attributesHash='7602afa2fe611e0c8eff17f7936e108ee29e6817',
...                     relationshipsHash='5f36b2220a14b54ee5ea290645ee34d943ea5be5',
...                     updatedAt=datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 25, 9, 58, 20, 264000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
...                     createdAt=datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 11, 13, 48, 46, 958000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
...                 ),
...                 attributes=Item(
...                     name='Dunder ReBond Inventory Level',
...                     valueType=<TypeSignal.numeric: 'numeric'>,
...                     description='How many reams of the Dunder ReBond we have in the warehouse.',
...                     labels={
...                         'type': ['Recycled', 'Bond'],
...                         'location': ['Scranton'],
...                         'threat-level': ['Midnight']
...                     },
...                     engUnit='',
...                     enumValues={},
...                     sourceType=<SourceTypeSignal.measurement: 'measurement'>,
...                     sampleInterval=None,
...                     gapDetection=datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200),
...                     visible=True
...                 )
...             )
...             ...
...         ]
...     )
... )
... error=None

In case of the error the method return a pydantic model with the following format:

>>> jsonrpc = '2.0'
... id = '1'
... result = None
... error = Error(
...         code = '-32602',
...         message = 'Invalid params',
...         data = ErrorData(trace = <trace_id>, params = {})
... )