# Copyright 2023 Searis AS
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from pyclarify.fields.query import Comparison, DateField, Operators
from pydantic import model_validator, BaseModel
from typing import Optional
from ..__utils__.time import parse_datetime
from typing import ForwardRef, Union, List, Dict
from datetime import datetime
Filter = ForwardRef("Filter")
[docs]class Filter(BaseModel):
Pydantic model for handling filtering. The filter supports pythons built in "&" and "|" operators for chaining filters.
The model has a to_query() method used internally to convert model to MongoDB format.
fields : dict[str, Comparison]
A dictionary of the key to be filtered on and a logical comparison.
>>> from pyclarify import query
>>> f1 = query.Filter(fields={"name": query.NotEqual(value="Lufttemperatur")})
>>> f2 = query.Filter(fields={"labels.unit-type": query.NotIn(value=["Flåte", "Merde 5"])})
>>> f1.to_query()
... {'name': {'$ne': 'Lufttemperatur'}}
>>> f3 = f1 & f2
>>> f3.to_query()
... {
... '$and': [
... {'name': {'$ne': 'Lufttemperatur'}},
... {'labels.unit-type': {'$nin': ['Flåte', 'Merde 5']}}
... ]
... }
Complete list of operators can be found in `pyclarify.fields.query`.
and_list: Optional[List[Filter]] = None
or_list: Optional[List[Filter]] = None
fields: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Comparison]]] = None
def __and__(self, other):
_tmp = []
if self.and_list is not None:
_tmp += self.and_list
if self.or_list is not None or self.fields is not None:
if other.and_list is not None:
_tmp += other.and_list
if other.or_list is not None or other.fields is not None:
return Filter(and_list=_tmp)
def __or__(self, other):
_tmp = []
if self.or_list is not None:
_tmp += self.or_list
if self.and_list is not None or self.fields is not None:
if other.or_list is not None:
_tmp += other.or_list
if other.and_list is not None or other.fields is not None:
return Filter(or_list=_tmp)
def field_to_query(self, field):
:meta private:
field, comparison = list(field.items())[0]
if isinstance(comparison, Comparison):
comparison = comparison.model_dump()
comparison = {"operator": None, "value": comparison}
if comparison["operator"]:
return {field: {comparison["operator"]: comparison["value"]}}
return {field: comparison["value"]}
def to_query(self):
:meta private:
q = {}
if self.and_list:
q["$and"] = [f.to_query() for f in self.and_list]
if self.or_list:
q["$or"] = [f.to_query() for f in self.or_list]
if not self.fields:
return q
if self.fields and q == {}:
return self.field_to_query(self.fields)
return q
class DataFilter(BaseModel):
Pydantic model for handeling filtering. The model has a to_query() method used internally to convert model to MongoDB format.
gte: string(`ISO 8601 timestamp <https://docs.clarify.io/api/1.1beta2/types/fields#datetime>`__) or python datetime, optional, default <now - 7 days>
An RFC3339 time describing the inclusive start of the window.
lt: string(`ISO 8601 timestamp <https://docs.clarify.io/api/1.1beta2/types/fields#datetime>`__) or python datetime, optional, default <now + 7 days>
An RFC3339 time describing the exclusive end of the window.
>>> from pyclarify import query
>>> data_filter = query.DataFilter(gte='2022-08-01T16:00:20Z',lt='2022-08-02T16:00:20Z')
>>> data_filter.to_query()
... {'times': {'$gte': '2022-08-01T16:00:20Z', '$lt': '2022-08-02T16:00:20Z'}}
:meta private:
gte: Optional[Union[str, datetime, DateField]] = None
lt: Optional[Union[str, datetime, DateField]] = None
series: Optional[List[str]] = []
def field_must_reflect_operator(cls, values):
:meta private:
gte = values["gte"] if "gte" in values.keys() else None
lt = values["lt"] if "lt" in values.keys() else None
if gte:
values["gte"]: DateField = DateField(
if lt:
values["lt"]: DateField = DateField(
return values
def to_query(self):
:meta private:
query = {}
times = {}
if self.gte:
gte = self.gte.model_dump()["query"]
if self.lt:
lt = self.lt.model_dump()["query"]
if self.series:
query["series"] = {"$in": self.series}
query["times"] = times
return query