Source code for pyclarify.fields.query

# Copyright 2023 Searis AS

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import warnings
from pyclarify.__utils__.exceptions import FilterError
from pydantic import model_validator, ConfigDict, BaseModel
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, List, Dict, Optional
from pydantic.class_validators import root_validator
from datetime import datetime

class Operators(str, Enum):
    :meta private:

    NE = "$ne"
    REGEX = "$regex"
    IN = "$in"
    NIN = "$nin"
    LT = "$lt"
    LTE = "$lte"
    GT = "$gt"
    GTE = "$gte"

class Comparison(BaseModel):
    :meta private:

    value: Union[
        str, List[str], int, List[int], float, List[float], bool, None, List[None]
    ] = None
    operator: Optional[Operators] = None

    def field_must_reflect_operator(cls, values):     
        value = values.value if "value" in values.model_dump().keys() else None
        operator = values.operator if "operator" in values.model_dump().keys() else None
        if operator:
            # Field value should be list
            if operator in [Operators.IN, Operators.NIN]:
                if not isinstance(value, list):
                    raise FilterError(operator, list, value)
                elif None in value:
                        "You are using a null value as a filter. This will result in no results.",

            # Field value should not be list
            if operator not in [Operators.IN, Operators.NIN]:
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    raise FilterError(operator, list, value)
                elif not value:
                        "You are using a null value as a filter. This will result in no results.",
        # No operator means Equals
            if isinstance(value, list):
                raise FilterError("Equals (None)", list, value)

        return values
    model_config = ConfigDict(use_enum_values=True, extra="forbid")

[docs]class Equal(Comparison): """ Matches using equality. Example ------- >>> from pyclarify.query import Equal >>> filter_value = Equal(value="foo") """ pass
[docs]class NotEqual(Comparison): """ Matches using negated equality. Example ------- >>> from pyclarify.query import NotEqual >>> filter_value = NotEqual(value="bar") """ operator: Operators = Operators.NE
[docs]class Regex(Comparison): """ Matches all resources where the field value is match the specified regex. Example ------- >>> from pyclarify.query import Regex >>> filter_value = Regex(value="fo[o]{1}") """ operator: Operators = Operators.REGEX
[docs]class In(Comparison): """ Matches all resources where the field value is present in the specified list. Example ------- >>> from pyclarify.query import In >>> filter_value = In(value=["foo", "bar"]) """ operator: Operators = Operators.IN
[docs]class NotIn(Comparison): """ Matches all resources where the field value is not present in the specified list. Example ------- >>> from pyclarify.query import NotIn >>> filter_value = NotIn(value=["baz", "qux"]) """ operator: Operators = Operators.NIN
[docs]class Less(Comparison): """ Matches all resources where the field value is less than the specified value. Example ------- >>> from pyclarify.query import Less >>> filter_value = Less(value=10) """ operator: Operators = Operators.LT
[docs]class LessOrEqual(Comparison): """ Matches all resources where the field value is less than or equal to the specified value. Example ------- >>> from pyclarify.query import LessOrEqual >>> filter_value = LessOrEqual(value=10) """ operator: Operators = Operators.LTE
[docs]class Greater(Comparison): """ Matches all resources where the field value is greater than the specified value. Example ------- >>> from pyclarify.query import Greater >>> filter_value = Greater(value=10) """ operator: Operators = Operators.GT
[docs]class GreaterOrEqual(Comparison): """ Matches all resources where the field value is greater than or equal to the specified value. Example ------- >>> from pyclarify.query import GreaterOrEqual >>> filter_value = GreaterOrEqual(value=10) """ operator: Operators = Operators.GTE
class DateField(BaseModel): """ :meta private: """ operator: Optional[Operators] = None time: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] = None query: Dict = {} @model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod def reformat_payload(cls, values): op = values["operator"] time = values["time"] values["query"] = {op.value: time} return values model_config = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")
[docs]class SelectionFormat(BaseModel): dataAsArray: Optional[bool] = True groupIncludedByType: Optional[bool] = True